ICC23 Program of Papers

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Latest Update: May 11, 2024

SESSION 1: Mature Aerospace Cryocoolers
       Tuesday Morning ORAL Session: 8:15 AM to 9:30 AM

Co-Chairs: Carl Kirkconnell, WECOSO; Mike DiPirro, NASA GSFC

1.1   Overview of First Two Years of JWST MIRI Cryocooler On-Orbit Performance

K. Penanen, M. Weilert, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Calif. Inst. of Tech., Pasadena, CA

1.2   Landsat 8 & 9 TIRS Instrument Cryocooler On-Orbit Performance and Long-Term Trending

R. Boyle, T. Muench, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; R. Taylor, B. Buchholtz, D. Glaister, D. Back, and J. Masciarelli, BAE Systems, Boulder, CO

1.3   Thermal Performance Mapping and Temperature Stability Testing of the Thales LPT9310-HP

C.D. Hummel, I.M. McKinley, B. Mueller, B. Moore, J.I. Rodriguez, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA

1.4   Characterization of SWaP Rotary Coolers for Space Application

C. Vasse, S.D. Venzal, E. Durupt, Thales, France; L. Marelli, J. Andre, D. Gervaud, CNES, Toulouse, France

1.5   Ball Kodiak Cryocooler System Design, Development, Qualification and Performance

R. Taylor, B. Buchholtz, D. Glaister, Y. Kim, A. Contreras, D. Oenes, BAE Systems, Boulder, CO; C. Fralick, D. Mansfield, Sunpower, Athens, OH

Plenary 1 (Tuesday Morning, 9:45 - 10:45 AM)
    Dilution Refrigeration, an Established Cooling Method for Quantum Technology

Matti Manninen, Bluefors, Helsinki, Finland

Session Chair: Rich Dausman, Bluefors, Syracuse, NY

SESSION 2:  Joule Thomson & Sorption Coolers
        Tuesday Morning ORAL Session: 10:45 AM to 12 Noon

Co-Chairs: John Pfotenhauer, UW-Madison; Wei Dai, CSA China

2.1    Low-Vibration Cryogenic Cooling Projects at University of Twente Related to Einstein Telescope

A. Xhahi, M.A.J. van Limbeek, K.W. Lotze, H.J.M. ter Brake, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands

2.2    Development of 5 K Sorption J-T Cooler with Thin-Plate Type Sorption Compressor

J. Bae, D. Kwon, S. Jeong, Korea Adv. Inst. of Science and Tech. (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea

2.3    Sorption Compressor Developments for the ETpathfinder 10K Cryochain

A. Xhahi, M.A.J. van Limbeek, C.H. Vermeer, H.J.M. ter Brake, Univ. of Twente, Netherlands; H.J. Bulten, NIKHEF, Netherlands

2.4    Closed Cycle Mixed-Refrigerant Joule-Thomson Cryocooler for Laboratory Applications

N. Tzabar, CryoR - Cryogenics Research, Lavon, Israel

2.5    Methods for Continuous, Non-Invasive Measurement of Mixture Composition in Mixed Refrigerant Joule-Thomson Cryocooler

Z.Rogala, A.Kwiatkowski, J. Polinski, Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech., Wroclaw, Poland

SESSION 3:  Analysis and Testing
          Tuesday Afternoon ORAL Session: 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Co-Chairs:  Nick Rich, NGC; Hannah Rana, Harvard

3.1    Comparison of Three Methods for Oscillating Flow Measurements in Cryocoolers

R. Snodgrass, V. Kotsubo, and J. Ullom, NIST, Boulder, CO and Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO

3.2    The Performance of a Moving Magnet Pressure Wave Generator at Various Ambient Temperatures

S.Vanapalli and A. Kovacs, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands; D. Clark, Microgen Energy Corp., The Netherlands

3.3    Streamlining System Integration Times with CCE Pre-Integration

K.D. Frohling, A.T. Lee, M.A. Calles, R.B. Victoria, Iris Technology, Irvine, CA

3.4    Cryogenics Margin and Uncertainty Philosophy for Spacecrafts, the ESA perspective

T. Tirolien, M. Branco, P. Henriot, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands

SESSION 4: Stirling and Stirling-type Pulse Tube Coolers
        Tuesday Afternoon ORAL Session: 2:45 PM to 4:00 PM

Co-Chairs: Jean-Marc Duval, CEA; Yongsu Kim, BAE Systems

4.1    Conceptual Design of a Small-Scale Travelling-Wave Thermoacoustic Stirling Cryocooler

H. Butson, M. Gschwendtner, Auckland Univ. of Tech., Auckland, New Zealand; A. Caughley, Callaghan Innovation, Christchurch, NZ; R. Badcock, H. Weijers and G. Lumsden, Paihau-Robinson Res. Inst., Lower Hutt, NZ

4.2    Air Liquide LPTC New Generation Engineering Model Test Results

S. Quemerais, J.-M. Niot, F. Carpentier, M. Garcia, V. Girault, A. Vuillemin, A. Bakkas, D. Lopes and P.-O. Mine, Air Liquide Adv. Tech., Sassenage, France; F. Claeyssen and X. de Lepine, Cedrat Tech., Meylan, France; L. Marelli, Centre Nat'l d’Etudes Spa

4.3    Development and Testing of a Miniaturized Pulse Tube Cryocooler for Ground and Space Applications  

T. Hurot, Y. Icart, Absolut System, France; J.C. Terme, Lynred, France; G. Aubry, HGH, France

4.4    Development of a 20 K Thermally-Coupled Two-Stage Pulse Tube Cooler with Independent Warm Displacers 

X. Ding, X. Wang, Z. Li, Tech Inst of Physics and Chem, CAS, Beijing, China; W. Dai, Univ. of CAS, Beijing, China; Y. Zhang, H. Li, Lihan Cryogenics, Shenzhen, China

4.5    A Duplex Stirling Cryocooler with a Flexible Acoustic Resonator

G.Y. Yu, H.J. Sun, Y. Ma, W. Dai, Tech. Inst. of Physics and Chem., CAS, Beijing, China

4.6    High Frequency Pulse Tube Cooler for Quantum Telecommunication

T. Prouvé, T. Latella, J.M. Duval, Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, IRIG, DSBT, France; S. Dang, Absolut System, France; R. Gourgues, Single Quantum, The Netherlands

4.7    Development of a High Efficiency Micro Pulse Tube Cryocooler For 80K

Y.J. He, Z.X. Yang, X.Q. Zhi, and L.M. Qiu, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China

SESSION 5: Sub-Kelvin Coolers  
Tuesday Afternoon ORAL Session: 4:15 PM to 5:15 PM

Co-Chairs: Franklin Miller, UW-Madison; Peter Kittel, Consultant

5.1    5-Stage ADR Cooler for the Athena Space Mission: Design and Preliminary Characterization

J-M Duval, F. Bancel, I. Charles, J-L Durand, S. Martin, T. Prouvé: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, IRIG, DSBT, France; C. Marin: Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CEA, IRIG, PHELIQS, France

5.2    Performance Enhancement of a Sub-Kelvin Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (ADR) Precooled by an Integrated Sorption Cooler

D. Kwon, J. Bae, and S. Jeong, Korea Adv. Inst. of Science and Tech., Korea

5.3    Refrigeration Performance of Single-Stage Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator Using GGG Crystal  

W.S. Zheng, J. Shen, Y.N. Zhao, Z. Chen, and Z.X. Li, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China

5.4    Measuring the Liquid Helium Volume on XRISM and Predicting the Liquid Lifetime

M. DiPirro, P. Shirron, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; S.Yoshida, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Niihama, Japan; K. Ishikawa, Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., Japan; R. Fujimoto, JAXA, Sagamihara, Japan

SESSION 6: Space Integration and Applications 
        Wednesday Morning ORAL Session: 8:15 AM to 9:30 AM

Co-Chairs: Melora Larson, JPL; Santhosh Gandla, SHI Cryogenics

6.1    Cryocooler and Control Electronics for the Psyche Gamma-Ray Spectrometer

J.O. Goldsten, Johns Hopkins Univ. APL, Laurel, MD

6.2    Selection Considerations between Active Cryocoolers and Passive Radiative Coolers for Space Instrument Applications

W. Chen, I. McKinley, B. Moore, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

6.3    Lockheed Martin Remote Cooling for the Cryogenic Demonstration Mission

D. Frank, E. Kaitfors, E. Roth and H. Yengoyan, Lockheed Martin Space, Palo Alto, CA

6.4    Cryocooler Technology Opportunities within Space Exploration

B.T. Nugent, W.L. Johnson, .J. Grotenrath, NASA Glenn Res. Center, Cleveland OH; S.M. Kenny, J.R. Stephens, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville AL

6.5    The Black Hole Explorer: Mission Overview and Instrument Cryocooling

H. Rana, P. Grimes, E. Tong, J. Houston, M.D. Johnson, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard-Smithsonian, Cambridge, MA; D.P. Marrone, Univ. of Arizona, Steward Observatory, Tucson, AZ

Plenary 2 (Wednesday Morning, 9:45 - 10:45 AM)  

Deployment of the First Hydrogen Liquefier at a Mine Site: Technical and Commercial Considerations for Decarbonizing Mining Infrastructure

H. Reynolds, N. Glasson, J. Meier, T. Morgan, B. Prince, Fabrum, Christchurch, New Zealand

Session Chair: Alan Caughley, Callaghan Innovations, NZ

SESSION 7: Novel Refrigeration Technologies 
        Wednesday Morning ORAL Session: 10:45 AM to 11:45 AM

Co-Chairs: Ali Kashani, NASA ARC; Wolfgang Stautner, GE Healthcare

7.1    Development and Testing of a Lab-Scale Electro-Chemical Hydrogen Refrigerator

D.J. Hollibaugh, W.U. Notardonato, and M. White, Eta Space, Rockledge FL; A.M. Swanger, and J.E. Foroosh, NASA Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral FL

7.2    Development of Advanced Hydrogen Liquefaction System by Using Magnetic Refrigeration Technology  

T. Numazawa, K. Kamiya, K. Natsume, A. Saito, Y. Takeda, H. Kitazawa, T. Shimizu, N. Nishimiya, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan; and K. Matsumoto, Kanazawa Univ., Kanazawa, Japan

7.3    N2 Continuous Sublimation Cooler

C.B. Kreft, S.E. Therein, F K. Miller, J.M. Pfotenhauer, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI

7.4    Development and Performance Optimization of an N-Type Bi-Sb Thermoelectric Cryocooler

H. Huang, H. Zhang, M. Zhou, W. Dai, J. Shen, Tech. Inst. of Physics and Chem. CAS, Beijing China; Z. Li, Beijing Inst. of Tech., Beijing, China

SESSION 8:  Magnetic Refrigeration 
        Wednesday Afternoon POSTER Session: 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Franklin Miller, UW-Madison; Mike Dipirro, NASA GSFC

8.1    Development of 50W-Class Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigerator for Hydrogen Liquefaction

K. Kamiya, K. Natsume, T. Numazawa, A. Uchida, T. Shirai, K. Ouchi, A. T. Saito, H. Takeya, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan; K. Matsumoto, Kanazawa Univ., Kanazawa, Japan

8.2    Study of Method for Reducing Actuator Load in Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigeration (AMR)

E. Sato, T. Shirai and M. Ishida, Tsukuba Univ., Tsukuba, Japan; and A. Uchida, K. Natsume and K. Kamiya, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan

8.3    Development of Hydrogen Condensation Heat Exchanger in Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigerator (AMR) 

T. Shirai, E. Sato and M. Ishida, Tsukuba Univ., Tsukuba, Japan; and A. Uchida, K. Natsume and K. Kamiya, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan

8.4    Development of Active Magnetic Regenerative Refrigerator (AMR) with Rotating Permanent Magnet

K. Natsume, T. Numazawa, A. Uchida, T. Seki, and K. Kamiya, NIMS, Tsukuba, Japan; and K. Matsumoto, Kanazawa Univ., Kanazawa, Japan

SESSION 9: Reverse Brayton & JT Coolers 
           Wednesday Afternoon POSTER Session: 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Mark Zagarola, Creare; Ben Nugent, NASA Glenn Research Center

9.1    Development of Turbo-Brayton Refrigeration System

J. Ko, J. Kim, S. Choo, Jiho Park, H. Lim, J.Y. Park, J. Seo, Y. Lim, H. Yeom, Korea Inst. of Mach. & Mat'ls, Daejeon, Korea

9.2    Design and Analysis of a Space 0.3W at 4.5K Hybrid J-T Cooler

Y. Ma, J. Quan, Z. Liu, J. Li, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Tech. Inst. of Physics and Chem. CAS, Beijing China; J. Liang, Univ. of CAS, Beijing, China

9.3    New Applications of Small-Scale Mixed-Refrigerant Joule-Thomson Crycoolers

Z. Rogala, A. Piotrowska, M.Chorowski, Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech., Wroclaw, Poland

9.4    Novel Modelling Approach for Optimization of MR J-T Cryocoolers

Z.Rogala, A.Kwiatkowski, Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech., Wroclaw, Poland

9.5    Influence of Process Parameters on Transient Performance of MR J-T Used in Cryochamber

Z. Rogala, A. Kwiatkowski, Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech., Wroclaw, Poland; P. Pawlowicz, CryoScience, Poland

SESSION 10:  Stirling and Pulse Tube Coolers 
        Wednesday Afternoon POSTER Session: 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Wei Dai, CAS China; Mostafa Ghiaasiaan, Georgia Tech.

10.1    Development of a Micro Pulse Tube Cryocooler for HOT Applications

T.S. Feng, G.Y. Li, M.L. Liang, Q.J. Tang, H.L. Chen, Y.Q. Xun, M.G. Zhao, J.T. Liang, Tech. Inst. of Physics and Chem. CAS, Beijing China; G.Y. Li, Univ. of CAS, Beijing, China

10.2    Development of 15K 2-Stage Stirling Type Pulse Tube Cryocooler: Performance Test Results of Prototype 2-Stage Expander

Y. Hiratsuka, K. Otsuka, A. Yasuda, K. Kanao, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Japan; K. Narasaki, National Inst. of Tech., Japan

10.3    Reliability Enhancement of the Double-Stage Stirling Cooler for Space Science Missions

H. Tanaka, Y. Sato, K. Tanaka, K. Shinozaki, H. Sugita, N. Yamasaki and T. Nakagawa, and K. Narazaki, JAXA, Japan; K. Mitsuda, NAOJ, Japan; S. Tsunematsu, Sumimec Engineering, Japan; and K. Ootsuka, K. Kanao, SHI, Japan

10.4    Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations of Miniature Pulse Tube Cryocoolers

R. Kumar, J.G. Korvink, and J.J. Brandner, Karlsruhe Inst. of Tech., Germany

SESSION 11:  Special Topic Posters
        Wednesday Afternoon POSTER Session: 1:15 PM to 2:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Alan Caughley, Callaghan Innovation; Xihuan Hao, Bluefors

11.1    Effect of Containerless Melting and Solidification Process on HoAl2 and HoB2 Powders Using Electrode Induction Melting Gas Atomizer

H. Takeya, T.D Yamamoto, A.T Saito, T. Numazawa, Nat'l Inst. for Mat'ls Science, Tsukuba Japan

11.2    Mechanical Test Bench for Material Engineering and Testing in the 20K Region

M. Davaine, S. Falque, B. Tradotti, Y. Odievre, Absolut System, France

11.3    Achievement of 120 W at 80 K by Synchronous Operation of Two Single-Stage G-M Cold Heads Driven by a 2 kW Class Compressor

S. Masuyama, NIT, Oshima College, Yamaguchi, Japan; and K. Natsume, K. Kamiya, and T. Numazawa, NIMS, Ibaraki, Japan

11.4    Thermal Design Considerations for Integration of the DWTS Instrument in a Nano-Satellite

A. Kashani, ASRC Federal, Moffett Field, CA; M. Mooney-Rivkin, Metis Tech., Moffett Field, CA; M.S. Murbach, NASA Ames Res. Center, Moffett Field, CA; A. Brock, KBR Wiley, Moffett Field, CA; L. Gordley, J. Gubeli, GATS, Newport News, VA

11.5    Cryogenics Society of Europe Cryocooler Database

S. Vanapalli, M. ter Brake, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands; K. Duval-Hope, Cryogenics Society of Europe, The Netherlands

SESSION 12: Aerospace Coolers, Drive & Control Electronics
   Wednesday Afternoon ORAL Session: 2:45 PM to 4:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Ingo Ruelich, AIM-IR; Stephen Dunn, SHI Cryogenics

12.1    Cryocooler Control Electronics for the Exoplanet Climate Infrared TElescope (EXCITE)

C.S. Kirkconnell, J.M. Baxter, N.A. Hudson, R.C. Hon, West Coast Solutions, Huntington Beach, CA; R.W. Kaszeta, J.F. Gregoire, Creare LLC, Hanover, NH; P.C. Nagler, S. Maher, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; G. Tucker and A. Kleyheeg, Brown University, Providence, RI

12.2    Split Multi-Stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler Cold Head for Remote Cooling

J.R. Olson, E. Roth, H. Yengoyan, S. Ham, E. Osborne, Lockheed Martin Space, Palo Alto CA

12.3    Design of a Low-Noise High-Frequency Miniature Pulse Tube Cooler

J. Mullié, D. Willems, R. Arts, Thales Cryogenics B.V., The Netherlands; A. Bouakka-Manesse, K. Blyth, Absolut System SAS, France

12.4    New Generation “Valet” Cryocooler Electronics for Space

S. Pence, E. Stagmer, Northrop Grumman Technical Services, Lanham, MD; E. Nguyen, Northrop Grumman Space Systems, Redondo Beach, CA

12.5    Development of Control Electronics for a High-Capacity 90 K Turbo-Brayton Cryocooler

S.D. Phillips, R.W. Kaszeta, C.B. Cameron, M.V. Zagarola, Creare LLC, Hanover, NH; and J.B. Murphy, R.C. Hon, B.K. Nghe, J.M. Baxter, N.A. Hudson, West Coast Solutions, Huntington Beach, CA

12.6    Even More Cooling: Iris’ New CCE Offerings

K.D. Frohling, K.K. Trengove, A.T. Lee, M.A. Calles, Iris Technology, Irvine, CA

12.7    Performance Testing of the West Coast Solutions C3E and the Northrop Grumman MicroCooler for Spaceflight Missions

M. Petach, N. Rich, J.T. Russo and O. Cupp, NGAS, Redondo Beach, CA; C.S. Kirkconnell, West Coast Solutions, Huntington Beach, CA

SESSION 13:  Reverse Brayton Coolers
           Thursday Morning ORAL Session: 8:15 AM to 9:30 AM

Co-Chairs: Weibo Chen, JPL; Greg Nellis, UW-Madison

13.1    Progress on Ultra-Miniature 4 K Turbines for Low Temperature Turbo-Brayton Cryocoolers

K.J. Cragin, M.V. Zagarola, J.A. McCormick, R.W. Hill, D.M. Moore, Creare LLC, Hanover, NH

13.2    Testing of a High-Capacity 90 K Turbo-Brayton Cryocooler

K.J. Cragin, A.L. Niblick, M.V. Zagarola, J.A. McCormick, Creare LLC, Hanover, NH

13.3    Progress Towards a High-Capacity 80K/20K Turbo-Brayton Cryocooler

T.K. Matsumoto, A.A. DeSantis, and P. Liu, Concepts NREC LLC, Wilder, VT

13.4    Cryocooler Development for Superconducting Applications

L. Terrien, A. Gilson, G. Bouvier, F. Geneau, R. Garayoa, Absolut System, France

SESSION 14: GM and GM-type Pulse Tube Coolers 
          Thursday Morning ORAL Session: 9:45 AM to 10:45 AM

Co-Chairs: Srinivas Vanapalli, Univ. of Twente; Peter Bradley, NIST

14.1    Development of a Compact Size 2 K Two-Stage Pulse Tube Cryocooler

X. Hao, B. Zerkle; J. Cosco, R. Dausman, Bluefors Cryocooler Tech., Syracuse, NY

14.2   Enhancing Low-Frequency Stirling Cryocooler Efficiency with Metal Bellows Compressors

J. Hoehne, Pressure Wave Systems, Taufkirchen, Germany

14.3    Numerical Modeling on a Two-Stage GM Cryocooler

L. Shen and M. Salvetti, Edwards Vacuum Ltd., Haverhill, MA

14.4    An Experimental Study of Neon Compression in a Helium Scroll Compressor

J.W. Reightler, S. Dunn and S.K. Gandla, Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc., Allentown, PA

SESSION 15:  Regenerator / Recuperator Investigations
          Thursday Morning ORAL Session: 10:45 AM to 12 Noon

Co-Chairs: Tamirisa Apparao, SHI Cryogenics; Mostafa Ghiaasiaan, Georgia Tech.

15.1    Temperature Profiles in Regenerators with Thermal Break Slots

T.W. Steiner, Etalim Inc., Canada

15.2    Computational Investigation of Idealized Heat Capacity Materials for Packed Sphere Bed Regenerators in Stirling High Frequency 4 Kelvin Cryocoolers Operating in the Real Gas Regime

N. Rich, M. Petach, D. Durand, Northrop Grumman Space Systems, Redondo Beach, CA

15.3    Analysis of No-Load Cooling Temperature of a Regenerative Cryocooler Based on Thermal Non-Equilibrium Energy Equations - withdrawn

R.Z. Li, H.R. Wang, Z.H. Gan, Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, China; and Q.Y. Zhao, B. Wang, Hangzhou City Univ., Hangzhou, China.

15.4    Heat Capacity and the Coefficient of Performance in 4-Kelvin Regenerators

V. Kotsubo, R. Snodgrass, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, CO

15.5    Experimental Validation of Two-Phase Recuperation Heat Transfer in Precooled MR J-T Systems

Z. Rogala, B. Baran, Z.Malecha, Adrian Kwiatkowski, Wroclaw Univ. of Science and Tech., Wroclaw, Poland

SESSION 16: Cryocooler Applications and Integration 
        Thursday Afternoon ORAL Session: 1:00 PM to 2:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Tim Hanrahan, Bluefors; Robert Hon, WECOSO

16.1    Customized Hydrogen Liquefier System for Applications up to 50kg Per Day

Y. Maaizi, A. Gilson, S. Bigeard, J. Berindei, T. Cornali, T. Quere, C. Muru, F. Geneau, and J. Lacapere, Absolut System, France

16.2    Investigations of the Gravity Dependence of Large-Scale Helium Pulsating Heat Pipes

L. Kossel, J. Pfotenhauer, and F. Miller, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison WI

16.3    Passive Cryogenic Thermal Switch with Tunable Close Temperature for Redundant Cryocooler Systems  

M.I. Ralphs, M.J. Sinfield, M. Jensen, H. Mortensen, M.J. Felt, Space Dynamics Laboratory, North Logan UT

16.4    The Progress of the Cryogenic Nitrogen Pulsating Heat Pipes with Varying Number of Turns

Z. Jiang, J. Pfotenhauer, F. Miller, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison WI.

16.5    Evaluation of Helium Circulators for Remote Cooling

J.A Koch, E. Seitz, S.K Gandla, and S. Dunn, Sumitomo(SHI) Cryogenics of America Inc, Allentown, PA

16.6    10K Remote Helium Cooling Loop for C400 Carbon Ion Cyclotron Application

P. Hillière, B. Taglang, D. Mascaux, E. Rehayem, T. Trollier, Absolut System, Seyssinet-Pariset, France; and A. Ravex, Cryoconsult, Meylan, France

16.7    Magnet Spring Assisted Tuned Dynamic Absorber for Low-SWAP Stirling Cryocooler

A. Veprik, V. Babitsky, R. Refaeli, S. Kurucz, L. Bunin, CryoTech BV, Israel

SESSION 17: Superconductor Applications 
        Thursday Afternoon ORAL Session: 2:45 PM to 3:45 PM

Co-Chairs: Sastry Pamidi, Florida State Univ.; Peter Ferrara, U.S. Navy

17.1    Proof-of-Concept Testing for Integrating a Stationary Cryocooler into the Rotor of a Superconducting Motor 

A.J. Caughley and N. Allpress, Callaghan Innovation, Christchurch, New Zealand; G. Lumsden and N. Rogers-Rhen, Robinson Res. Inst., Wellington, NZ; M. Gschwendtner, AUT Univ., Auckland, NZ; S. Jeong, Korea Adv. Inst. of Science and Tech., Daejeon, Korea

17.2    Thermalization of 3 kA Current Leads Through a Remote Cooling Loop Using a Single-Stage Cryocooler  

W. Gluchowska, M. Mentink, B. Cure, and A. Dudarev, CERN, Switzerland; M. Chorowski, Wroclaw Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Poland

17.3    Parametric Design Study of Graded Heat Exchanger for Thermal Management of Superconducting and Other Devices on Liquid Hydrogen-Fueled Electric Aircraft

J. Rijs, Univ. of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands; C. H. Kim, Center for Adv. Power Systems, FSU, Florida, USA; P. Cheetham, W. Guo, J. Ordonez, and S. Pamidi, FAMU-FSU, Florida, USA



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