ICC23 Oral Presentation Instructions

Slide Preparation Overview

All authors of Oral Presentations are required to submit PowerPoint or PDF type slides for their presentations.

All slides will be available on the ICC website starting around June 2, 2024, and extending two months after the conference.  To meet the constraints of the file upload software, your presentation slide file size must be less than 20 MB.

Click Here to Upload Slides

Slide Presentation Digital File Format

The basis of your presentation will be a slide package in either PDF or PowerPoint (*.ppt or *.pptx) format.  PDF is preferred to avoid any font-related issues.  Each package should begin with a title slide reflecting the paper's title, authors, and affiliations, and the package should end with a summary slide(s) of key results/conclusions.  The slide package should contain a maximum of 20-30 slides. 

Presentation Digital File Submission Date and Naming

Authors are required to upload electronic versions of their presentation to the Author Upload Site between May 6 and June 2, 2024.  Early submission is highly encouraged to allow early proofing of your successful uploads and linking to the conference website.

Your submitted files should be named with your paper number and name in the following format: 

SLD_Paper number_Author last name_date. filetype

For example:           SLD_5-1_Ross_DY-MM-YR.PDF


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