Use this Form to Upload your filled out Paper Review Form and Marked-Up Manuscript. Upload your filled-out Review form as a PDF. Your marked-up manuscript may be a scanned-in copy (PDF) of a marked-up printout of the manuscript, or a marked-up (or highlighted) Word file or PDF electronic copy of the original manuscript. If you have a third file of some sort, upload it using the optional 3rd Browse button....and describe it in the comments box.
Your submitted files should be named with the Paper Number and Reviewer's Initials in the following format:
For PDF Paper Review Form:
RVW_Paper#_Initials. filetype
For Marked Up Manuscript: MRK_Paper#_Initials. filetype
For example: RVW_5.1_RR.pdf MRK_5.1_RR.pdf
Comments: Please provide any needed comments such as this is an updated version of an earlier submission.
After proofing your entries, hit the Submit Button at the bottom. A copy of your entries will be emailed to your email address.